Fuel management

Always on the go

We collaborate with the most important suppliers on the market, OMV, Petrom, Rompetrol, MOL, thus providing our drivers with fuel cards that they may use for fuelling or purchasing various products from our partners’ petrol stations. Through our partner Rompetrol, our users may use the Fill&Go and Easy Ring systems.

What does ALD Automotive do?

  • Manages the fuel cards and fuelling systems
  • Receives and verifies the fuel invoices
  • Sends the monthly statement regarding the fuel consumption and travelled kilometres

What are the customer benefits?

  • Administrative support for the fuel cards and fuelling systems
  • Simplicity, as you receive and pay a single invoice
  • Flexibility, as you may configure your fuel cards for paying road fees, purchasing products/services, washing services for the vehicle
  • Security, as each card had its own PIN code. The lost or stolen cards are immediately blocked and new ones are issued
  • Control, as the invoice annexes allow you to carefully check each element and identify potential anomalies. You may effortlessly monitor the fuel consumption, in terms of user or vehicle.
Call Center
+40 21 301 49 59